The Restaurant Club

Benefits of Membership

Think how much you and your partner spend on restaurant meals. It adds up doesn't it?

Now imagine that you could save 1GBP in every 5 you spend on meals, including drinks!

That's what The Restaurant Club Member's Goldcard gives you.

And there's a choice of over 40 local restaurants pledged to give you these exclusive Restaurant Club benefits. Whether your taste is for the exotic flavours of Chinese or Indian dishes, mouthwatering Italian or Greek food, the delights of English or French "home cooking" or other world-famous cuisines. Also many of the restaurants pride themselves on their wide range of vegetarian dishes.

Simply telephone the restaurant of your choice from the listing provided. State that you are a Member of The Restaurant Club, then make your booking. After your meal, simply present your Restaurant Club Goldcard to the waiter.

Membership of The Restaurant Club costs only 33GBP a year, NO EXTRAS. And don't forget, The Restaurant Club Goldcard is valid for SIX people, so membership could quite easily pay for itself the first month you use it.

Can you really afford not to become a member?

For a FREE one month trial membership, just complete the application form and we promise not to process it unless you are completely satisfied.

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